1. My name is Ernest Worthing.
2. I'm an independent director and filmmaker.
3. I wish I was on a planet far away. The wish probably came true since I am here on Earth.
4. I like the sound 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117... makes.
5. Now and then I like to write and take pictures.
6. I love sandwiches.
7. I've had two short stories published in a book... of short stories.
8. Jackets are my favourite clothes item.
9. I've actually seen The Green Fairy.
10. Whisky without the 'e' is my drink of choice.
11. I've lived in 8 different countries over the course of 3 decades.
12. My favourite artist is Caravaggio.
13. Danced Dance of the Dream Man with dream man.
14. I think the most fantastic of all trees is the Douglas fir.
2. I'm an independent director and filmmaker.
3. I wish I was on a planet far away. The wish probably came true since I am here on Earth.
4. I like the sound 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117... makes.
5. Now and then I like to write and take pictures.
6. I love sandwiches.
7. I've had two short stories published in a book... of short stories.
8. Jackets are my favourite clothes item.
9. I've actually seen The Green Fairy.
10. Whisky without the 'e' is my drink of choice.
11. I've lived in 8 different countries over the course of 3 decades.
12. My favourite artist is Caravaggio.
13. Danced Dance of the Dream Man with dream man.
14. I think the most fantastic of all trees is the Douglas fir.